We are excited to announce that the Spotinst Controller now supports PersistentVolumes
(PV) and PersistentVolumeClaims
(PVC) to enhance scaling and recovering of Spot & On-Demand Instances.
How does it work?
Scale Up
1. The spotinst-controller
finds Pods
that are pending for scheduling
2. The controller gets the Pods’ information looks for any PersistentVolumeClaim
s associated with the pods.
3. In case it finds ones, it will match the actual Volumes
and their Availability Zones.
4. Based on the AZs, it will launch instances in the right AZs.
INFO, Spotinst Kubernetes Controller, Scale Up Initiated due to pending for schedule Pods. Required Resources: {AMOUNT} of CPU {UNITS} and {AMOUNT} of RAM {UNITS}. One or more of the Pods {LIST} has PersistentVolumeClaim associated {LIST} - Scale is restricted to Availability Zone {AZ}
Scale Down
When finding underutilized nodes in the cluster, the controller will not terminate nodes that have pods with,PersistentVolumeClaims
That information will be available in the Elastilog section. Nodes that are associated with Pods that have PVC
s, are highlighted in the dashboard.
For more information and getting started guides, please visit our Spotinst-Controller and KOPS documentation.