Rancher 2.0 Announcement

Spotinst is excited to announce support for Rancher 2.0!

As one of the most used integrations on the Elastigroup platform, Rancher provides a robust container management solution that makes user and container management with Kubernetes a breeze.  When combined with Spotinst Elastigroup Container Service, not only are containers easy to deploy, but they run on the most cost efficient compute infrastructure available with worry free scaling and fully managed infrastructure.  Working with Rancher, Spotinst manages compute infrastructure and right sizing kubernetes nodes, providing the Serverless experience to resources in cloud accounts fully owned by the customer.

Spotinst integrates with both Rancher 2.0 and Kubernetes APIs to bring a full-service solution tailor-made for cloud-native applications.


The Spotinst Kubernetes Controller is deployed as a Pod to one or all of the Kubernetes Clusters managed by Rancher.  Once the controller is in place it will communicate with Spotinst, Rancher and Kubernetes through the following flow:

  1. First the controller will link itself to a Spotinst Elastigroup.
  2. Once linked the controller continually gathers information from Kubernetes and securely sends metrics and pod scheduling requirements to Spotinst.
  3. The Spotinst platform then makes decisions based on pod requirements, available capacity and price to autonomously deliver the most cost effective infrastructure to the cluster.  That includes scaling up, down or replacing instances as necessary.
  4. Finally the controller ensures Rancher’s inventory matches that of Kubernetes, removing any stale or expired nodes.

Spotinst provides insight into pod scheduling, including rancher management containers.

Getting started with Rancher 2.0 and Spotinst Elastigroup is easy.  When setting up any Elastigroup simply select Rancher 2.0 and provide the URI and token for the Rancher master. Once the Spotinst Controller is launched, infrastructure is managed by Elastigroup and MCS.

With Rancher 2.0 and Spotinst you can focus on delivering container applications, scale more and spend less.

Please let us know if you are using Rancher 2.0, this integration is currently in beta and will be rolling out to all customers very soon.