Announcing Spotinst In-Cluster Kubernetes Autoscaler -

Announcing Spotinst In-Cluster Kubernetes Autoscaler

Starting today, you can choose to run the Spotinst Kubernetes autoscaler as a pod inside your Kubernetes cluster, enabling Spotinst to optimally scale your cluster up and down based on the size of your workload, without having to open your cluster up to the outside world.

Previously, in order to leverage the Spotinst Kubernetes autoscaler, you had to connect your cluster to the Spotinst SaaS, which meant your cluster had to be open to the internet.
Now, you can choose to have Elastigroup install the autoscaler as a pod inside your cluster, letting your workload operate entirely within your internal network.

You can easily get started with the Spotinst Kubernetes Autoscaler using the Spotinst console, or APIs. To learn more about the in-cluster Spotinst Kubernetes autoscaler, visit our documentation.