Get instant feedback on cloud waste across your accounts & implement optimization recomendations with a click.
Get a complete view into your cloud costs across all your cloud accounts
Extensive analytics show you where and how to improve your cloud efficiency
Implement automated optimization in just a few clicks
Slice and dice your cloud usage and cost data, create custom reports and share it with other team members. Get a comprehensive view from multiple dimensions and layers across tags, accounts, usage type and more.
Generate massive savings for even short-term projects with zero risk using Eco to continuously seek out and buy the best marketplace deals on 3rd-party RIs in the AWS Marketplace.
Maintain accountability with comprehensive policies, reporting, alerts, and actionable recommendations.
Analyze what is being spent and by who, with current, historical and projected cost and usage visualizations across all your cloud deployments.
Based on actual data from your cloud usage, Cloud Analyzer calculates the efficiency score for every account in your cloud organization based on the savings opportunities across spot and reserved instances including right-sizing and eliminating idle resources.
Cloud Analyzer connects cloud cost visibility and recommendations with the concrete ability to optimize cloud cost and utilization.
See Cloud Analyzer’s data-driven insights and recommendations to maximize your cloud efficiency by trying it out now.