is not only the largest fitness chain in India, their online services, has a large, fast-growing following. Offering a platform for physical, mental well-being, nutrition and primary care services, is making sure their users stay healthy through offline and online experiences. With more than one million users and growing, their applications are scaling fast, and is looking to the power […]

About ironSource Since 2010, ironSource has been empowering the two core constituents of the app economy, app developers and telecom operators, to focus on what they do best – create great apps and user experiences. The company’s growth has been accompanied by a rise in the number of compute instances and associated EC2 costs. Spot by NetApp Benefits […]

Challenge – Optimizing EC2 Cost for Dynamic Workloads BTC works with many traditional Japanese businesses that are exploring how to expand and evolve their offerings in an online and mobile world. While their customers dictate what they want to achieve, BTC is responsible for the final selection of technologies and systems to deliver a successful […]

Challenge: Keeping Cloud Costs Low While Managing Disruptions in a Microservices Framework Carbon processes over 1 billion events every day (including intent signals, context, brand affinity, browsing behavior & demographics) and by integrating with other parts of the marketing technology stack such as ad-servers, demand side platforms (DSPs) and content management platforms, Carbon turns those […]

The Challenge When the Demandbase engineering team shifted to a microservices architecture for their ad bidding systems, Kubernetes was the container orchestrator of choice. With a dynamic infrastructure deployed across 4 AWS regions, their bidding apps require bursting up to ~3000 nodes at different times all around the world. To ensure that their proprietary, Demand-Side […]

Challenge – Automating and Optimizing Infra for Mission-Critical ECS Workloads Launched in 2010 as a cloud-native company, FindHotel was already using many AWS services such as Elastic Container Service (ECS), S3, Firehose and even EC2 Spot instances for cost-reduction in some QA and Dev environments.  As a hotel search aggregator, they were using Amazon’s ECS […]

How it all started Directeam CEO, Hagai Tobelem, first heard of Spot back in early 2016 when he was a potential customer himself. As he was responsible for his company’s cloud infrastructure, he was working on real-time applications characterized by spiky workloads and was searching for a way to reduce costs, while supporting the company’s […]

The Challenge In software development, applications commonly go through a lifecycle in isolated environments such as development, testing, and production. A common way to help automate testing and deploying code in each environment is by using CI/CD tools such as Jenkins. With Jenkins, you can have a cluster of machines ready to test and deploy […]

The Challenge Running Big Data workloads is common in the Account-based Marketing industry and requires a large number of computing resources. Demandbase utilizes hundreds of resource-intensive instances to process hundreds of terabytes of data. As Demandbase became more successful, their user base grew substantially and their infrastructure had to scale accordingly. At this point, costs […]

The Challenge Beeswax is a leading company in the Real-time Bidding (RTB) space that buys and sells advertising inventory through online auctions. The infrastructure needed to provide an RTB service must be high-performing and have latencies less than 30ms. In their early days, Beeswax began running their infrastructure on Amazon Web Services and quickly became […]