Spot Elastigroup Supports Azure Application Gateway

Elastigroups on Azure have really picked up steam and the response from our customers has been exciting.

One request that came up often was to support Azure’s Application Gateway, the standard Layer 7 load balancer on Azure.

Today we’re happy to announce that Elastigroup supports Azure Application Gateway’s Backend Pool. Elastigroup can also be assigned to multiple Backend Pools, as well as a combination of Backend Pools.

To get started, log in to your Spotinst account connected to Azure and enter the Creation Wizard. In the Compute tab, under the Load Balancers section, select the desired Backend Pools.

It’s a simple as that. All VMs launched by the Elastigroup will be registered to the select Backend Pools automatically.

As expected with Elastigroups, this includes groups with multiple VM types or a combination of Regular and Low-Priority VMs.

Head to the Spotinst Console and try the Application Gateway integration out today!