Spot Eco for Azure Now Supporting Savings Plans, Pay as You Go, and MCA Accounts 

Delivering on our commitment to offer customer flexible RI (Reserved Instances) management and long-term savings, Eco for Azure now supports Savings Plans and two new customer account types, PaYG and MCA. Released earlier this year, Eco for Azure is still the first choice for FinOps-minded organizations looking to maximize team resources and automate dynamic cloud commitments. 

Savings Plans Increase Flexibility 

In a step to bring parity with AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft launched Azure Savings Plans for Compute in October of 2022. While Savings Plans bring an extra layer of complexity, they are a great addition to Reserved Instances, as they can be applied to a wider range of services and can reduce your overall spend. 

More Options for Account Types 

Since its release earlier this year, Eco for Azure has supported Microsoft EA (Enterprise Agreement) accounts, which are typically used by large enterprises who bundle Microsoft services. Now with support for Microsoft Online Subscription Program (MOSP) also known as Pay as You Go and Microsoft Customer Agreement (MCA), Eco for Azure is available to a wider range of Microsoft customers and able to support them across a variety of use cases. 

Get started with Eco for Azure 

Now Eco’s integration with Azure is even more seamless, allowing customers to maximize savings on commitments and give time back to their IT teams. 

Are you interested in reducing costs and automating your Azure commitments? Schedule a demo and cost analysis to see how Eco can help.