Spot Eco for Azure now supports Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) accounts

Azure Reservations and Savings Plans are discounted pricing models for certain Azure services. By purchasing a reservation or savings plan, you can reduce your costs in Azure by committing to specific usage terms in advance. The commitment gives Azure more visibility into your one-year or three-year resource needs while guaranteeing your usage for the term, and you will enjoy discounts on those core services.

However, managing Azure commitments quickly becomes complicated, with more than 25 different types of reservations to choose from and the additional complexity of savings plans added to the mix. Additionally, starting in 2024, Azure is removing the ability to exchange compute reservations; non-compute reservations are not affected. Building a commitment portfolio of these different types; selecting the correct size, region, scope, and term of the commitment; and not fully understanding the larger picture can lead to cost overruns.

Eco for Azure, from Spot, can simplify managing your commitment portfolio with our AI-backed automation and expert cost specialist team. Spot Eco Azure follows a three-step process: 1. Analyze, 2. Plan, and 3. Act, reducing commitment lock-in, preventing waste, and maximizing savings. Additionally, Eco supports all Azure commitment types (compute and non-compute), including Savings Plans; is compatible with Cloud Solution Provider (CSP), Enterprise Administrator (EA), Microsoft Customer Agreement (MCA), and pay-as-you-go account types; and provides visibility of savings and usage on the Eco Azure Dashboard.




Managing commitments across the Azure Cloud Solution Provider accounts

Spot understands the challenges Azure Cloud Solution Providers face in supporting their customers. Managing commitments as a CSP can be tedious and convoluted as reservations and savings plans are not shared across CSP customers.

Eco for Azure manages those customers with individually tailored plans and can provide reporting to show the savings for both individual CSP customers and all the accounts under a CSP.

Spot Eco for Azure can now support CSPs using programmatic access through Azure app registrations. By using app registrations, Eco can manage CSP customer commitments to generate savings while providing critical customized reporting for the CSP. Our programmatic access through app registrations creates a more secure setup and allows CSPs to limit permissions to only what is needed to manage commitments.


Get started with Eco for Azure

Ready to reduce costs and automate your Azure commitments? Schedule a demo and cost analysis to see Spot Eco for Azure in action.